Saturday, October 9, 2010

What surprised me was the total lack of comments on the film itself after the Sunday theater and Tuesday TV release.

I tend to be in the Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Climate Disruption "deniers"> I have viewed it twice (TPT/taped) and give it a "B+". ...... What amazed me was the lack of comments either in the media or online after the film was actually shown. The sellout early Sunday Theater showing would constitute a "public release" so comments would have been "fair game" even for those who had an advanced screening. .....

I posted a spiel before and after the TPT viewing. It is at my in case anyone wants to read it. ........

On second viewing I picked up that the captioning was sloppy (when text is white on a white background backmask) and a bit heavy on the plugs for the grass-fed beef. .....I didn't know the status of the "nitrogen detector". Clever device but there may be alternatives. It is either a sniffer or a color detector. Either should work.....

I didn't see it as a "anti-capitalist propaganda film. Perhaps a bit with the "organic" part but most of it suggests very cost effective solutions. I especially liked the tile drain tube "floodgates". Cheap to make. If they reduce nitrogen runoff by 80% that is fertilizer (and aquifer water) not needed. Both cost the farmer money. The high tech stuff looks like it can be cost effective. .....

I have no dog in the federal agriculture fight. .......

As for ethanol it seems a good sop for corn surpluses but a mandate seems stupid. The original ethanol policy was devised when oil was under $20 per barrel and corn was under $2 per bushel. (Them days seem gone). I'll repost this at my in case the Strib censors are at it.

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