Saturday, October 16, 2010

Interesting post I found that tends to reflect my views.

What about the content??

I watched this 'documentary'. It had a lot of big unproveable claims about nitrogen and farming causing damage etc. but very short on actual scientific PROOF of the alleged connection. Don't believe me? Watch the film again, and see how many times they use 'weasel words' to make their claims such as 'it is believed that'... and 'scientists think.. and so on. In watching that film, you would think that every farm in the state is somehow dumping nitrogen right into the river, but few farms are directly adjacent to the Mississippi. Bottom line? This film is suspect in its claims, and Himle was correct in giving pause. Unfortunately, all the 'politically correct' 'green police' types are out in force whining about censorship. The film was not balanced, and it had a slanted viewpoint. End of story.

posted by minn12 on Oct. 15, 10 at 7:03 PM |

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