Friday, February 1, 2008

New posting on my

02-01-08 Newspaper mogul’s palatial compound remains country’s pre-eminent castle. Click here
A lot of good background info on the Hearst Castle.
The entrance fees were raised around 50% a few years back. It will not affect those making a “pilgrimage” as I hope to do someday, but it might deter repeat visitors.
As to the blast there the article states “And more visible. On Feb. 12, 1976, while Patty Hearst was on trial in Los Angeles in connection with her involvement with the Symbionese Liberation Army, a terrorist group called the New World Liberation Front bombed the balcony of one of the guest houses, causing about $1 million in damage.”
There were some reports placing Soliah/Olson in the area and someone who looked like James Kilgore at the site blast just before the explosion. If so, provisions of the Patriot Act override the statute of limitations so this can still be prosecuted. I have heard conflicting claims about weather Soliah and Kilgore were involved. One detail I heard was that the bomber “left a fecal deposit” as a statement. This was apparently cleaned up but such a “fecal deposit” today would be a prime source of usable DNA that would get someone convicted. The evidence cache should be reviewed for DNA evidence with the two prime suspects still in prison. It would become a “dumb criminal” classic if the perp were convicted because they decided to “make a statement” by “pooping”.

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